Great post Matt! I’d love to try it, but my plants are already in the ground. Maybe next year.

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Hank! It's so nice to hear from you. How's your garden this year? I'm adjusting to a much later (and shorter) season.

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Ours is a bit disappointing this year, so far. Too much rain and too little sun to thrive. Also, I went all in on 3 varieties of onions, which have really struggled and are taking up a a lot of space. We’ll probably bite the bullet and pull them out. Tough life, farming.

BTW, congratulations on the truck! We love our little Colorado. Such a great tool. Also nice for pulling our little camper. Maybe that’s next for you? I have a friend who uses his Ridgeline to pull a Tab 320, which is the smaller version of ours. It’s so much fun to have a “second home”_at the Grand Canyon, the Great Lakes, the Smokies….

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